Kanhaiya Kumar Contact Number, WhatsApp Number, Mobile No & Address

Get details on JNU President Kanhaiya Kumar Contact Number, Whatsapp Number, Mobile No & Permanent Address, Phone number, and Social Media Account Details

Most of us, always eager to know the WhatsApp and contact details of well know ln faces. These people are always well-known faces like politicians and Actors. Our today’s topic is to tell you the contact details of Kanhiya Kumar. Before knowing their contact details of his, you should know basic information about Kanhaiya Kumar.

Personal Information: Kanhaiya Kumar always being in news for any reason. Kanhaiya Kumar belongs to Indian Politics. Recently in September 2021, he has joined the Congress party. Before joining the Congress party he was the president of Jawaharlal Nehru University Students’ Union. He was also the leader of AISF (All India Students Federation).

Currently, he is 34 years old. He was born in Bihar in 1887. His father’s name is Jaishankar Singh and his mother’s name is Meena Devi.

His mother is doing the job as an Anganwadi worker. He has an elder brother who is also doing a job in the private sector. Kanhaiya Kumar has done his graduation from college in Patna. He has done his post-graduation from Nalanda Open University. He has done his Ph.D. From JNU (Jawahar Nehru University).

Kanhaiya Kumar Contact Number, Whatsapp Number, Mobile No & Address

Kanhiya Kumar has come from College politics. When he was in his college for graduation, he took part in student politics. He was selected as a delegate in AISF after joining AISF. After going to Jawahar Nehru University for Ph.D. he became the president of JNU student politics AISF.

Kanhaiya Kumar Contact Number

Basic Information

NameKanhaiya Kumar
Birth PlacePatna
EducationBA, MA, Ph.D. From JNU
Political Paty NameCommunist Party Of India (Untill 2021)
Indian National Congress (From 28 September 2021)
Official WebsiteN/A

He has also an autobiography ‘ Bihar to Tihar ‘ in which you can know about his childhood days in his birthplace to his political involvement in JNU.On 29th April 2018, he was selected for the Communist Party of India.

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Kanhaiya Kumar Contact Number, Whatsapp Number, Mobile Number

All we want to know about the WhatsApp Number and other numbers to contact Kanhaiya Kumar. We will provide all his numbers in our article. We got all these numbers from different places and sources. If this information regarding his number is not up to date, then we apologize for this.

Dear friends, the numbers we will provide for all of you, you can not call on these numbers unnecessarily. If you have no genuine reason to call Kanhiya Kumar, do not call on these numbers. It can waste both your and his time.

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Kanhaiya Kumar Contact Number82921663440
Kanhaiya Kumar Office Phone Number011-2334-4918
Email Addressk.kanhaiya1985@gmail.com
Kanhaiya Kumar WhatsApp NumberN/A
AddressGram Bihat Tola Masandpur, Bihar Nagar Parishad, Begusarai, Bihar.
Office AddressRanjan Niketan Court Station Area, P.S.-K., HAT. Dist.- Purnia Bihar Pin Code – 854301

These are some numbers and email addresses of Kanhiya Kumar. If this number is not available for some reason, you can call again or you can also drop your message or issue for which you are calling Kanhiya Kumar.

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If you will call on this number without any reason, then legal action can also be taken against you. We do have not his WhatsApp Number available. But in the future, if he announced any WhatsApp Number to listen to the problems of people, we will definitely share this on our website.

Kanhaiya Kumar Facebook, Instagram, Twitter Handle

There is also social media platform that you can use to reach out to Kanhiya Kumar. Here are his social media accounts links are given below you can follow him and raise your Grievances and issues there:-

Kanhiya Kumar Facebook Account Linkfacebook.com/kanhaiya.kumar
Kanhiya Kumar Instagram Account Linkwww.instagram.com/kanhaiyakumar
Kanhiya Kumar Twitter Account Linktwitter.com/kanhaiyakumar


Who is Kanhiya Kumar?

Kanhiya Kumar is a politician and an activist of India.

From which political party does Kanhiya Kumar belong?

He belongs to Indian National Congress Party.

When did Kanhiya Kumar join Indian National Congress?

He joined the Indian National Congress on 28th September 2021.

What did Kanhiya Kumar’s mother do?

She is an Anganwadi Worker.

How can we meet or contact Kanhiya Kumar?

You can fix an appointment by calling him on the given numbers or sending an email to his email address.

In our article, we have provided every single piece of information regarding his phone numbers, email address, and social media accounts links. If you want to meet or talk to Kanhiya Kumar, you can make an appointment by sending him an email. You can also call on the given numbers to make an appointment.

If for any reason you are unable to fix a meeting or appointment then you can join his rally or Sabha and meet him. If your problem will genuine, he will surely take steps to solve the issue. If we will get any other number or his address we will update it on our website. Our website is private and we do not claim every information to be reliable. We collect all these from here and there. If there is any question, you can ask in our comment section.

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