Kalyani Kumbh Mela 2023 Location West Bengal, colony kumbh mela date and place, nadia kumbh mela, tribeni kumbh mela 2023.
Hello, people, there are so many people who are searching for the Kalyani Kumbh Mela 2023 Location and other important detail about the same.
So in the high demand of the people today through the help of this article you will go to get the complete detail about the Kalyani Kumbh Mela 2023 location and other important detail. Like important dates locations and schedules of the same.
All that people who want to visit this holy place must have to know about the Kumbh Mela 2023 Kalyani Location which is in West Bengal. This place is a very rich place with the holy activity and Banga Kumbh Mela is going to be organized at the Kalyani which is located nearest the Nadia District of West Bengal.
The duration of this Kalyani Kumbh Mela 2023 is about three days which is started on the 12th of February 2023. To know about it you need to read the rest of the detail given below.
Kalyani Kumbh Mela
There are so many people who want to attend the Kumbh Mela 2023 at Kalyani. But before visiting the same place they all need to know the correct detail about the Kalyani Kumbh Mela 2023 Location.
As we all know that Kumbha Mela Sankranti is always celebrated at the time of sun transit in the Kumbh Rashi from the Makar Rashi. On the same day, people will do the fast on the same day and worship the sun god.
There are so many people who already gather in this place. As of the 13th of February, there is Shahi Snan so people want to join the same Kumbha Mela.
Overview of Kalyani Kumbha Mela 2023
Name of event | Kumbha Mela |
Location | Kalyani Nadiya Ghat |
Celebrated after | 703 years |
Duration of Kumbha Mela | 5 days |
Dates | 10th to 14th February 2023 |
Kumbha Mela Kalyani Important Dates
Starting Date | 10th February 2023 |
Last Date | 14th February 2023 |
Detail about Kalyani Kumbh Mela
Before visiting this place you all must have to know about the Kalyani Kumbh Mela 2023. This is the Kumbha Mela which is celebrated by the gods. On this day many of the people do the pooja and also perform worship. On this day the people take a bath in any of the holy rivers. And then they will get the blessing of the god of the sun for their fortune and bright future,
You can also give gifts and other important things to poor people and needy people.
Kalyani Kumbh Mela 2023 Location
As we all know, the Kumbh Mela will start on 12th February 2023 for the next three days. As the same Kumbh mela is going to end at the time of Shivaratri. The same is organized in Uttar Pradesh, and the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh makes many arrangements for the same.
This is the Kumbha mela which is related to the Hindu People. so the location of the same is Haridwar at Ganga River. This festival started after 703 years at the Gauranga Prabhu Ghat Kalyani Nadiya.