Jharkhand Guruji Credit Card Yojana 2023 गुरुजी क्रेडिट कार्ड योजना Higher, Technical Education Loan Scheme up to 10 lakh Rupees Benefits, Documents and Apply Online
Jharkhand government announce Guruji Credit Card Yojana on the 4th of March in their financial budget 2022-23. In this budget, the government is going to spend 26 crores 13 lakh Rs. For technical education and higher education. The government will also establish a biotechnology park in Ranchi.
The government of Jharkhand is also working on higher education and Technical Education. They will also so help students who belong to poor families. Comment provide them bank loan without any margin. Students who want to continue their studies for higher education can take benefit from Guruji Credit Card Yojana. This is a new scheme started by the State Government in which students will get credit for their education and daily expenses with the help of this credit card.
झारखंड के मुख्यमंत्री श्री हेमंत सोरेन एवं फाइनेंस मिनिस्टर डॉ रामेश्वर ओरेन, ने अपने बजट सत्र 2022-23 मैं छात्रों के लिए गुरुजी क्रेडिट कार्ड योजना की शुरुआत की है. इस योजना के अंतर्गत ऐसे छात्र जो कि उच्च शिक्षा एवं तकनीकी शिक्षा प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं, उन्हें सरकार द्वारा 1000000 रुपए तक क्रेडिट दिया जाएगा. इस राशि को वह अपनी शिक्षा के लिए उपयोग कर सकते हैं. जैसे ही वह अपनी शिक्षा पूरी कर लेते हैं, उसके बाद उन्हें यह राशि अगले 15 वर्षों में सरकार को चुकानी है.
इस योजना का सबसे बड़ा लाभ उन छात्रों को मिलेगा जो कि गरीबी रेखा के नीचे आते हैं. ऐसे छात्र पैसे का अभाव होने के कारण अपनी शिक्षा को जारी नहीं रख सकते. अब इस योजना के शुरू होने से झारखंड के उन छात्रों को लाभ मिलेगा जो कि उच्च शिक्षा एवं तकनीकी शिक्षा प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं. सरकार की इस घोषणा से छात्रों में बहुत ही उत्साह एवं प्रसन्नता का माहौल है.
इस योजना की घोषणा करते हुए वित्त मंत्री ने कहा कि झारखंड राज्य में ऐसे लाखों गरीब छात्र छात्रा जो के उच्च शिक्षा प्राप्त करने से वंचित हैं. बैंकों में बिना मॉर्गेज के लोन लेने में असमर्थ ऐसे छात्र अपनी पढ़ाई को बीच में छोड़ देते हैं. ऐसे ही झारखंड के मेधावी छात्रों के लिए सरकार द्वारा इस योजना की शुरुआत की गई है, ताकि उनकी उच्च शिक्षा में आने वाली बाधाओं को दूर किया जा सके. इसी को ध्यान में रखते हुए गुरुजी क्रेडिट कार्ड स्कीम का शुभारंभ किया गया है.
Jharkhand Guruji Credit Card Yojana
This credit card is similar to West Bengal student credit card, in which students will get a soft loan of rupees 10 lakh. This amount they can use for their higher studies. The benefit of this amount is only given to those students who pursue their higher studies and Technical Education. In this article, we are going to give you complete information on Guruji Credit Card Yojana 2023, benefits, features, and other details.
According to the finance minister of Jharkhand, this credit card will help those students who do not bear their education expenses. With the help of this credit card, they can take loans up to 10 lakh rupees. When you completed your studies, then you can pay this loan amount with your salary. This scheme will help students without any financial burden on their families.
Finance Minister said that the state government thinks about below poverty line students who do not bear their College fees due to family problems. Bank ok do not give any type of loan without any mortgage. In that case, students feel helpless. To overcome this issue Jharkhand State Government helps students with Guruji Credit Card.
Initially, this scheme was announced in 2021. Two students who are eligible for this scheme can take up to 10 lakh rupees loan for their higher studies.
Scheme Highlights
Scheme Name | Guruji Credit Card Yojana |
State | Jharkhand Scheme |
Scheme Announce By | Finance Minister Dr. Rameshwar Oraon |
Loan Up to | 10 Lakh Rs. |
Offcial Website | N/A |
Eligibility criteria For Guruji Credit Card Scheme
Any student who wants to pursue their higher studies has to fulfill the eligibility criteria. The complete list of eligibility is given below.
- Students who belong to Jharkhand state, have a Jharkhand domicile are availing benefit JSSC Scheme.
- The government also fix an age limit for students who want to take benefit of this scheme.
- For students who take loans under Guruji Credit Card Yojana, I have to repay this loan within the tenure of 15 years.
Benefits of JSCC Scheme
- The main benefit of the scheme is provided to the students who belong to the BPL category. A student who belongs to a very poor family and wants to pursue higher education can take advantage of the scheme.
- Students who leave their studies due to financial crises in their families can now apply for this scheme and pursue their higher studies.
- The scheme is started by Jharkhand Chief Minister Mr. Hemant Soren and announced by Jharkhand Finance Minister Dr. Rameshwar Oraon in their budget session.
- According to chief minister Hemant Soren, this scheme will be implemented from this year 2023.
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Important Documents
There are some documents that are required at the time of registration. So you have to collect these documents before registration:-
- Student Aadhar Card.
- Permanent residence proof.
- Domicile of Jharkhand.
- Caste certificate.
- Passport size photograph.
- Student bank account.
- Mobile number.
- Family income certificate.
- Family BPL certificate.
Guruji Credit Card Yojana Apply Online
- If anyone wants to apply for, guruji credit card Yojana, he or she can apply when the registration will be open.
- Recently Finance Minister and Chief Minister announce this scheme in their budget session 2022-23.
- Very soon guruji credit card scheme Jharkhand registration will be started on the higher education department’s official website.
- Before that student can collect their important documents and education certificate. So at the time of registration, they do not feel panic about their documents.
- Students should do not have their own bank account, the Ken open a new bank account.
- Jharkhand’s student credit card registration date and other details will be update very soon.
We hope that information on Guruji credit card yojana Jharkhand is is helpful for you. We try our best to provide you with the correct information as soon as possible. In case you have any questions in your mind then you can write us on the contact us page for the comment box.