Odisha Inter Caste Marriage Scheme 2023: Sumangal Portal Odisha Inter Caste Marriage Scheme 2023, Sumangal Portal Odisha, Odisha Incentive award Cash for Inter-caste marriage:-

Hello Friends. Tpday we are here to provide you a New Odisha Government Scheme Information. Odisha Sumangal Portal has been launched by to promote marriages within other castes. People can apply online for incentive award for inter caste marriage at the official website.

It is an essential move for social integration and removal of untouchability. There is a provision for awarding cash incentive to inter caste married couples if marriage solemnized between caste Hindus and Scheduled Castes belonging to Hindu communities. Odisha Inter Caste Marriage Scheme

Married Couple can apply online for the incentive under Sumangal Odisha Portal. Odisha Government is going to provide 2.5 lakh rupees to the beneficiaries. If you want to know more about Odisha inter cast marriage scheme then read out our whole article till the end. Today in this article we will share you complete inter caste incentive scheme registration details.

Sumangal Portal

Eligibility Criteria for Inter caste Marriage Scheme

  1. Inter caste marriage award provided between caste Hindu and scheduled caste belonging to Hindu community.
  2. The marriage should be valid as per law and duly registered under Hindu Marriage Act 1955.
  3. Both Spouses Should be citizen of India.
  4. One of the Spouses should belonging to scheduled caste.
  5. Incentive award would be given for the purchase of land/ essential household or for starting a business.
  6. The Grand shall we given only one in first time marriage.
  7. No incentive is available on second marriage.

Documents Required

  1. Registered marriage Certificate.
  2. Caste certificate of both spouses stating there in the community and the sub-caste to which they belong.
  3. Joint photo of couple ( husband & wife ).
  4. Declaration form duly signed: ANNEXURE II & Annexure-IV.
  5. Scanned photo copy of joint bank passbook of couple in any Govt./Nationalized Bank.

Guys After approval, eligible beneficiaries will get incentive within 60 days from application submission date. Sumangal portal is said to be aimed at social integration and removal of untouchability.

There are provisions for cash incentives to inter-caste married couples if marriage is solemnized between caste Hindus and Schedule Castes belonging to Hindu communities. Inter-caste marriages can be one of the significant steps to reduce caste-prejudices, abolish ‘untouchability’ and spread the value of liberty, equality, fraternity in society.

Odisha Inter Caste Marriage Scheme Registration Online

  1. First open the official website:-
  2. On the homepage click on Don’t have an account? Projector here option.
  3. Here is the Main Page of Sumangal Portal Registration Registration Odisha Intercaste Marriage Scheme.
  4. Now you have to enter the following details…
  5. Name, Email ID, Phone number, Permanent address, District, Block. Pin code, City
  6. At last click on register option.
  7. Through this way you are able to apply for inter caste marriage incentive scheme in Odisha.

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