Namo Shetkari Samman Nidhi Yojana 2023 Farmer 12,000 Rs Registration

pm kisan yojana Parallar to Namo Shetkari Samman Nidhi Yojana 2023 Farmer 12,000 Rs Registration. This is by aaple sarkar Under Maharashtra budget 2023

Recently the state government of Maharashtra released its financial budget for the year 2023-24. In that budget, they launched so many welfare schemes for the people of the state. So today with the help of this article I am going to provide you the complete detail about the new scheme which gives a very big relief to the farmers of the state.

So the name of this scheme is Namo Shetkari Samman Nidhi Yojana 2023. Under this scheme, the state government provides a financial benefit to the farmers of the state. Under this scheme, the beneficiary farmers of the state will get Rs.12 Thousand per year instead of 6 thousand rupees.

All that people who want to avail the benefit of this scheme need to collect the complete detail about the Namo Shetkari Yojana Maharashtra 2023. Here we provide you the detail about the eligibility Criteria, Documents List, beneficiary List, and application procedure given below. Kindly read the whole detail given below.

Namo Shetkari Samman Nidhi Yojana

Hello Farmers if you are a permanent resident of Maharashtra state, then you need to make attention to this article. The Namo Shetkari Samman Nidhi Yojana has been announced by the state government of Maharashtra state.

Namo Shetkari Samman Nidhi Yojana

All those farmers who are eligible under the PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana now they will get Rs.12,000 instead of Rs.6000 per year. Apart from that they will also get a 100 percent subsidy through the central government as well as the state government.

Rs.6000 can be given by the central government and the rest of the amount can be given by the state government.  So it means farmers will get the double benefit under the state. The amount can be given in the bank account of the farmer they gave.

Name of schemeNamo Shetkari Samman Yojana
State BelongsMaharashtra
GovernmentState and Central Government
Benefit givenRs.12000 per year
BeneficiaryFarmers of the state
How to applyOnline
Given inBank account
Post CategoryMaharashtra Government scheme

Namo Shetkari Yojana

हाल ही में महाराष्ट्र की राज्य सरकार ने एक नई योजना जिसका नाम नमो शेतकरी महा सम्मान योजना है. इस योजना के तहत राज्य सरकार पात्र किसानो को हर साल 12 हजार रूपये देगी. जो लाभार्थी पहले से ही परधन मंत्री किसान सम्मान निधि योजना के तहत लाभ ले रहे है वो इस योजना के तहत पात्र होंगे. उन्हें अब 6 हजार रूपये के अलावा 12 हजार रूपये मिलेंगे.

पहले राज्य के किसानो को केवल केंद्र सरकार 6 हजार रूपये देगी. अव उन 6 हजार रूपये के साथ राज्य सरकार भी अपनी तरफ से 6 हजार रूपये देगी. इस तरह अब सभी किसानो 12 हजार रूपये की राशि मिलेगी.

Eligibility Criteria For Farmers

Now kindly check the eligibility Criteria of the scheme, so that everyone can apply for it.

  • The permanent residents of Maharashtra state can be beneficiaries of the scheme.
  • Only the Farmers of the state can be eligible for the scheme.
  • All those farmers who already availing the benefit of Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi yojana will get the benefit of this scheme.
  • All those farmers who availing the benefit of Rs.6000 now get Rs.12000 in their bank account.

Namo Shetkari Yojana Documents List

  • Bonafide certificate of the farmers.
  • Farmer certificate.
  • Bank account detail.
  • Aadhar Card.

Key Features of namo shetkari samman nidhi yojana

Now with the help of the following detail, you can easily under about the scheme.

  • The Namo Shetkari Maharashtra Samman Nidhi Yojana is a scheme that is like the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Scheme.
  • The state government under this scheme will provide Rs.6000 per year, now they will get Rs.12,000 per year.
  • The amount can be given in three installments Rs.4000 per month.

Scheme Lauch In Maharashtra Budget 2023

We all know that every scheme which is launched by the state government has a very good motive. So the main motive behind the Namo Shetkari Yojana is to motivate the farmers of the state towards the agriculturist. The state government also wants to provide financial support to the farmers of the state. With the help of these types of schemes, farmers can become self-dependent.

More Scheme of Maharashtra

MNC Registration Renewal
CEO Maharashtra Voter List
Lek Ladki Yojana
MEDA Kusum Mahaurja Registration
Pradhanmantri Pik Vima Yadi

Namo Shetkari Sanman Yojana Registration

Kindly follow the steps given below:-

  • All those farmers who already availing of the benefit of the PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana, don’t need to apply for it.
  • Because they automatically get the benefit directly in their bank account.
  • All those farmers who apply for the PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana, now also become beneficiaries of the scheme.
  • You can check your name in the beneficiary List.
  • If you did not get the same amount then you can check your passbook.
  • Official website:-

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