Kollywood Actor Vijay has started a new campaign to strengthen his political position. He started a membership campaign for Tamilaga Vettry Kazgam. He launched an online application through a social media platform. Within a short time, this application received more than 2 million hits. Well-known and successful actor Vijay came up with a new strategy in politics. He announced that they could fill out the online application form for the TVK membership and join this political party.
Vijay started the Tamilaga Vettery Kazgam Buy membership, becoming its first member. He launched an online application through which people can join his party. By launching the online application, Vijay appealed to the people who joined this party and served the public. He said that to serve people, you must join this party. You get more about the TVK you have to follow some guidelines. We will discuss this in our content. To get all important guidelines about the TVK membership, read this article till the end.
TVK Vijay Membership
Tamil cinema superstar Vijay launched a new political party named TVK. He said that now he is all ready to do full-time politics and is ready to retire from the cinema industry. TVK take part in the upcoming 2026 assembly elections. This party entered the politics on 2nd February 2024. After entering politics, this party started to connect People with the party. If you are young and become a part of Vijay’s party, you can get membership in this party through the official website or mobile application.
TVK Membership
Post Info | TVK membership |
Year | 2024 |
TVK full form | Tamilaga Vettery Kazgam |
Article type | Join the new political party. |
Launched on | 2nd February 2024 |
Launched by the | Actor Vijay |
Will enter in politics | In the 2026 assembly elections |
Registration for membership | Online mode |
Official website | tvk.family |
Aim and objective of Vijay’s TVK
- The main motive is to do Public Service through this party.
- This party will enter the politics 2026 assembly election.
- Actor Vijay is ready to fulfill his responsibilities towards the party.
- The party’s motivation is to add 2 crore new members.
About the mobile application of the TVK membership.
The mobile application was released by actor Vijay on 8 March 2024. His mobile application got 2 million hits after the launch. He said he is on the path of democracy, Secularism, and Social Justice. His party will always perform its duty as a servant. After launching the mobile application, within 10 to 15 minutes, the membership campaign platform was down due to requests from 15 lakh members.
The Mobile application launched on | 8th March 2024 |
Application response after launching | 2 million hits on social media |
Aim | Connect 2 crore members. |
Party’s Objectives | Serve to people |
Join TVK Party Membership?
You can join this party by downloading a mobile application. You can visit the official website of TVK. You can join this party by Whatsapp. You fill out an online membership form. A large number of people started joining the TVK party. You can join this party in three ways.
1. through the official website.
2. Through Whatsapp link.
3. Through mobile application.
4. Through Telegram link.
TVK Vijay Membership Whatsapp Number
To join the party, you have to send your message to WhatsApp. The number is 09444005555. After that, the membership form will sent to you.
TVK Vijay Membership at tvk.family
- You can visit the TVK official portal.
- Open the membership form and fill out the details in brief.
- After that, submit this form with the required documents.
- After a few days, you can download the TVK membership card on the official portal.
You can join the telegram link or online application of the TVK party.
If you get detailed information about the TVK membership, comment in our comment box. Your comment will encourage us. Thank you.
This party launched on 2nd February 2024.
Actor Vijay is the first member of TVK.
You have various ways to join the TVK.