Samagra MP Ration Card Slip Download Online BPL Slip Kaise Nikale

Get The full details about Samagra MP Ration Card Slip Download Online BPL Slip Kaise Nikale and Find NFSA Madhya Pradesh ration card slip check Online with MP ration card patrata parchi download

So as we all know that Ration Card is very useful for citizens of any state in India. This is a important document and also it can be a proof of permanent resident.

So In past years if we wanted to make our Ration Card we have to go in our Panchayat office and have completed all documentation for this procedure. If we didn’t go two or three times our Ration card procedure could not have fulfilled.

MP Ration Card Slip Download

So government of Madhya Pradesh has launched a online portal for making this procedure even more easier to people. The Samagra Portal is an online portal launched by Madhya Pradesh Government.

In which people get get all important information regarding their Ration Card Slip Download. Applicants can also find with other name that is MP Ration card Patrata Parchi 2021 Download Process.

They can check Ration Card categories list. They can know all information regarding APL and BPL card and they can apply online as per their categories So this is a good step taken by Madhya Pradesh Government.

Now the people of Madhya Pradesh have no any need to go anywhere for applying new ration cards and for renewal of Ration Card.

Today in this article we are going to tell you all about this portal so please read our article very carefully for better understanding till the end.

MP Ration Card Slip Download

Key Points

Scheme NameMP Ration card slip download
Other TopicMP Ration Card Patrata Parchi Download
Launched ByMadhya Pradesh Government
DepartmentDepartment of food and civil supplies and consumer protection
Ration Card ‘s TypesThree (APL, BPL and AAY)
Year of Launching2020
Application’s ModeOnline

Required Documents

  1. Copy of original Aadhar Card
  2. Permanent resident proof such as electricity bill and water bill
  3. Income Certificate
  4. Photocopy of Bank passbook
  5. Passport size photograph of the applicant
  6. ParivaarNakal Certificate
  7. Mobile Number

Eligibility Criteria

  • To apply MP Ration Card applicant should be permanent resident of Madhya Pradesh
  • Applicant should not have Ration Card before
  • Newly weds couple can Apply for Ration Card
  • Applicant should apply for ration card as per their financial status. If annual income of applicant is less than 10,000 they can apply for BPL card.
  • Applicant who is very poor and have no Income sources can apply for AAY card
  • User who is living above the poverty line as their income is greater than 10,000 can apply for APL card.
  • Applicant whose ration card have expired can also apply for new ration card

As per reports approximately 97 lacs families have been resisted for BPL Card and approximately 33,000 has been removed from BPL category.

MP Ration Card Patrata Parchi Download

  1. Firstly you have to visit official port given by government which is :
  2. Then you will get home page on your screen.
  3. On home page you will get a option MP Ration Card Patrata Parchi Slip Download to get eligibility slip for food stuff.
  4. After that a page will open on you phone screen, enter your family ID and month.
  5. After that enter four digit code visible on the screen.
  6. Then click on the download button and you will see eligibility slip on the screen.
  7. You can take a printout of slip.

As we have already told you about the scheme. To know more about Download Ration Card Slip MP please visit official website of government.

If you have any question regarding this scheme please comment us in comment section we will try to solve the problem. Till then stay tuned with us for more latest updates.


Where can I download My Ration Card Eligibility Slip?

You can download your ration card slip on official portal ie. .

How We can Search ration card slip with Other Name?

You can also search MP Ration Card Patrata Parchi Download in search and you will find the same result.

Can I apply for new Ration Card if I have lost it?

Yes, you can apply for new ration card if you have lost it.

Which Department is responsible for MP Ration Card Scheme?

Department of food, civil supplies and consumer protection Madhya Pradesh.

How many types of Ration Card Available?

There are three types of Ration Card available which are APL, BPL and AAY.

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