CEO Telangana Voter List 2023 Search By Name|New Voter Registration

CEO Telangana Voter List 2023 Search By Name, TS New Voter Registration,, voter list, Telangana voter list with photo, Telangana voter list search by name

The Telangana State Chief Election Commisionarate updates its voter list of the state periodically every time. Before, the CEO of Telangana State used to do the voter details updation manually. Now the Telangana State Election Commission has started a portal to do the updation of the electoral process online on the official portal CEO Telangana. Through this Portal, the Election Commission of Telangana adds/update/delete the state’s voter list.

CEO Telangana Voter List 2023

Election Commission of India had announced the Lok Sabha election dates and conducted voting on 11th April 2019 (Phase 1) in the Telangana state. Chief Electoral Officer (CEO), Telangana is responsible for successful conduct of elections across the state. Accordingly, CEO publishes and updates the voter list (electoral roll with photo) @ prior to elections. Now people can find their name in the CEO voters list 2023, perform voter list sms verification and can download voter ID card before casting their vote.

CEO Telangana Voter List 2020

Telangana voter id card online Registration

  1. All TS State People who want to apply Telangana Voter ID Registration please go through the website of CEO Telangana i.e.
  2. After reaching the official website of CEO Telangana, you have to tap on the E-Registration option and then Click on “Assembly Constituency”. Then, Select the Form- 6 New Enrollment.
  3. Then, you will get the login page. If you already created a login page, then enter the login details. Otherwise, click on the register as a New Register.
  4. You will get the registration form. The registration form will Contain the options which are Mobile number, Epic number, Email, Password, Confirm Password, etc. Blanks. So you need to fill the details.
  5. After that Click on Register Button.
  6. After completion of the registration process, you have to log in to the Page.
  7. Finally, you will get the application form. Applicants need to enter your full name, father name, Mother name, and Wife name Etc. And also upload Present Address Proof, Electricity bill, Aadhar Card. 
  8. After Filling The application form, you need to check the application form either complete or not before submitting the form. And then Click on Submit it.
  9. You will get a reference Number to Your registered mobile number and Email ID. Use the reference number and track your Status of Voter ID Card.

CEO Telangana Voter List 2023 Search By Name

Let us see the procedure to search the Voter List 2023 and Electoral Rolls on CEO Telangana’s official website.

  1. Visit the Home Page of the Official Portal.
  2. On the Home Page, Click on the PDF Electoral Rolls in the Menu Bar.
  3. It takes the applicant to the below page, as shown.
  4. On the new page, enter the District Name and Assembly Constituency by selecting from the drop-down.
  5. Now, Click on Get Polling Stations to view the list of Voters in the particular constituency as shown below.
  6. Click on View by selecting the language English or Telugu, and you find the details of the Voters in the particular polling station.
  7. So with this Procedure you can find out the CEO Telangana Voter List 2023 Search By Name Online.

telangana voter id track status

  • Visit the official Page of
  • Then go to the section side Search your name.
  • Then select Telangana Assembly election 2019.
  • Next need to search your name in the CEO Telangana List.
  • If you name is present in this then Click on it.
  • You can download the Telangana Voter ID Card from there.
  • Also you check status of your application, Voter List status online.

The Telangana draft lists of voters 2023 were released. Make sure that your name and the names of your family members are listed in the link below. If there are no names, enter the names. Voting is the most valuable thing in a democracy. As intellectuals … it is the minimum responsibility of every citizen, job, teacher to vote. Let us practice it before we tell others. Our vote is the cornerstone of democracy. Let’s recognize that voting is a minimum responsibility.

Verify name in Electron roll via SMS

Send SMS to 9223166166

TS <SPACE> VOTE <SPACE> VOTERID NO     Example:-   TS   VOTE  ABC1234567


Send SMS to 51969

TS <SPACE> VOTE <SPACE> VOTERID NO     Example:-   TS   VOTE  ABC1234567

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