Bindass Kavya Phone Number Real 2023 Asli WhatsApp, Email ID, House Address

Get Details on Bindass Kavya Phone Number Real 2023 Asli WhatsApp Number, Email ID, House Address, Contact Number and Social Media Accounts

Hello friends today we share you the details of Bindass Kavya Phone Number Real. She is very popular on the social media and she had so many followers. So many peoples want to contact with her but due to lack of contact details nobody can contact with her.

So trough our article we share you the detail of the Bindass Kavya phone number and its social media accounts form theta you can contact with her.

Bindass Kavya Phone Number

Bindass Kavya is the Tiktok and YouTube and famous on other social media accounts. She starts her career on the social media form 2018. She has 3 million followers on the tiktok but after banned in India of Tiktok she starts her accounts of the other social media accounts like YouTube , twitter etc. her parents are also supports her in her work. She gets the popularity in her 15 years age. So many viewers love her and follow her.

In this post we will give you all details on Bindass Kavya Phone Number Real, Contact Number, WhatsApp Number as well as Social media accounts. The complete details are explained in this post.

Bindass Kavya Phone Number

Highlights About Bindass Kavya

NameKavya Shree Yadav
Popular nameBindass Kavya
FromAurangabad, Maharashtra, India
Birth date30th March 2004
Birth placeAurangabad
Age18 years

Height and Weight of Bindass Kavya

Height of Bindass Kavya5.4 ft.
weight50 kg
Eye colourDark Brown
Hair ColourBlack

Education Qualification of Bindass Kavya

Bindass Kavya completes her 12th form Private school in Aurangabad, Maharashtra and till now she is study in Graduation.

Family details of Bindass Kavya

Bindass Kavya’s father name is Suraj Yadav and details about the other family member are not available on the internet. She is 18 years old and doing graduation.

Profession of Bindass Kavya

She starts her career form the Tiktok and now she is doing modelling acting and also famous on the YouTube. On the Instagram she had 1M followers and on the YouTube 2 M subscribers. She has also the gaming channel.

YouTube Channel of Bindass Kavya

Bindass Kavya starts the YouTube channel in 2018 and till now 5 lakh peoples are watch her first video. In the starting she have to less viewers but Bindass Kavya continue upload her video and post on YouTube. After some time peoples love her video and now she have 2 M subscribers on YouTube.

Gaming Channel of Bindass Kavya

Bindass Kavya also has the gaming channel. She starts her fist video on this channel on 27th march 2019. 2 lakh peoples are watching that video but till now there are no any subscribers on this gaming channel. Her video is watched by 9M peoples.

Income of Bindass Kavya

Bindass Kavya is very famous on the social media and always works on her videos. She earns 6k$ that is in the Indian rupees 4 lakh per month. Her yearly income is 72K $ and that is in the India rupees is 53 lakh. But the details of the income are may be some less or some high according to the internet data. She is also acts in some ads from where she also earn money.

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Bindass Kavya Phone Number Real 2023 WhatsApp Number, Email ID, House Address

Bindass Kavya Phone Number+91 9090974785
WhatsApp Number+91 951639xxxx
Contact Number+91 720241xxxx
House AddressAurangabad, Maharashtra, India

Social Media Accounts of Bindass Kavya


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