Step by Step information on MPMV, Mera Pani Meri Virasat Portal Kisan 7000 Rs Registration Online, mera pani meri virasat yojana,
Chief Minister of Haryana Shree Manohar Lal Khattar has announced to give Rs 7000 per acre under Mera Pani Meri Virasat scheme. Under the scheme the incentive of Rs 7000 per acre will be given to farmers for switching from paddy. Government of Haryana on Wednesday announcing the incentive of RS 7,000 per acre for switching from water-guzzling paddy also encouraged farmers to sow other crops i.e Urad, Arhar, Maize, Cotton, Bajra etc. Haryana Govt also said that permission to sow paddy will not be given in panchayat areas where the ground water depth is more than 35 metres.
Farmers also need water for farming. In dry states farmers have to depend upon artificial sources of water like the water pulled from subsoil layer. Due to the uses of groundwater these areas are facing problem of shortage of water. So the Government of Haryana has announced a new project called Mera Pani meri Virasat scheme. It will aid the farmers in conserving groundwater. Under Mera Pani meri Virasat scheme the government will provide financial assistance to farmers if they opt for the crops that require less water. We have covered all the important information related to Mera Pani meri Virasat scheme. Read this article if you want to know about it.
Mera Pani Meri Virasat Portal
To save water for our future generations, the Govt. has launched new Crop Diversification Scheme Mera Pani Meri Virasat for replacement of Paddy by Maize / Cotton / Bajra / Pulses in 1.0 lac hectares. The farmers have to diversify at least 50% of their last-year cultivated paddy area by growing alternate crops (Maize/Cotton/Bajra/Pulses) in 8 blocks of the State (RATIA, SIWAN, GUHLA, PIPLI, SHAHBAD, BABAIN, ISMAILABAD and SIRSA). Crop diversification through the above scheme is intended to promote technological innovation with sustainable agriculture and to enable farmers to choose crop alternatives for increasing productivity and income.
Article about | Mera Pani Meri Virasat scheme |
Launched by | Government of Haryana |
Beneficiaries | Farmers of Haryana |
Objective | To Conserve Water |
Official Website | Available Soon |
Application Mode | Online/Offline |
Scheme starts from | Not Yet Announced |
Main Key Points
- To reduce the area of water guzzling crops in Haryana
- Induction of technological innovation for establishing alternate crops for sustainable agriculture.
- To introduce Resource conservation,
- Restore ground water table
- To control soil fatigue because of rice-wheat cycle and introduce soil conservative and micro nutrients balanced crop for the soil.
- Shift the farmer from paddy wheat cycle and give more profitable crop options to the farmers
Mera Pani Meri Virasat Yojana In Hindi
- इस योजना के तहत जिस किसान ने अपनी कुल जमीन के 50 प्रतिशत या उससे अधिक क्षेत्र पर धान के बजाय मक्का/ कपास/बाजरा / दलहन / सब्जीयां इत्यादि फसल उगाई है तो उसको 7,000/- रूपये प्रति एकड़ की दर से राशि प्रदान की जाएगी। परन्तु यह राशि उन्ही किसानो को ही दी जाएगी जिन्होने गतवर्ष (खरीफ 2019-20) के धान के क्षेत्रफल में से 50 प्रतिशत या उससे अधिक क्षेत्र में फसल विविधीकरण अपनाया है।
- उपरोक्त राशि 7,000/- रूपये प्रति एकड़ के अतिरिक्त जिन किसानो ने धान के बजाय फलदार पौधो तथा सब्जीयों की खेती से फसल विविधीकरण अपनाया है उनको बागवानी विभाग द्वारा चालित परियोजनाओं के प्रावधान के अनुसार अनुदान राशि अलग से दी जाएगी।
- जिन खण्डों का भू-जल स्तर 35 मीटर अथवा उससे अधिक गहराई पर है तथा पंचायत भूमि पर धान के अतिरिक्त मक्का/ कपास/बाजरा / दलहन / सब्जीयां फसल उगाई है तो 7,000/- रूपये प्रति एकड़ की दर से राशि ग्राम पंचायत को दी जाएगी।
- इस योजना के तहत अपनाई गई फसल मक्का / बाजरा / दलहन के उत्पादन को सरकार द्वारा नयुन्तम समर्थन मुल्य पर खरीदा जाएगा।
- मक्का खरीद के दौरान मण्डीयों में मक्का सुखाने के लिए मशीने लगाई जाएगीं ताकि किसानों को पर्याप्त नमी के आधार पर उचित मुल्य मिल सके।
- मक्का की मशीनों द्वारा बिजाई करने हेतु लक्षित खण्डों में किसानो को मक्का बिजाई मशीन पर 40 प्रतिशत अनुदान दिया जाएगा।
- फसल विविधीकरण के अंतर्गत अपनाई गई फसल की बीमा राशि / किसान के हिस्से की राशि को सरकार द्वारा दिया जाएगा।
- फसल विविधीकरण अपनाने वाले किसानो को सुक्ष्म सिंचाई संयत्र लगाने पर कुल लागत का केवल जी0एस0टी0 ही देना होगा।
Mera Pani Meri Virasat Scheme Guidelines
- The farmers have to diversify at least 50% of their last-year cultivated paddy area by growing alternate crops (Maize/Cotton/Bajra/Pulses) in 8 blocks.
- The farmers will be provided Rs. 7000/- per acre in lieu of diversification of paddy to other crops.
- For these blocks, farmers will not be permitted to cultivate paddy in any new areas where paddy was not grown during last year.
- Only those farmers will be eligible for getting financial benefits per acre who will diversify >50% of their last Kharif season (2019-20) paddy area under Mera Pani Meri Virasat Scheme.
- In agriculture lands of Gram Panchayats in various blocks, the Panchayats will not permit paddy growing in their lands. Applicable financial benefits in lieu of diversification from Paddy to other alternate crops will be provided to respective Panchayats.
- All those farmers who are operating their tubewell with 50 hp electric motor, will not be allowed to grow paddy.
- The farmers who diversify less than 50% of their last-year paddy area in the blocks (RATIA, SIWAN, GUHLA, PIPLI, SHAHBAD, BABAIN, ISMAILABAD and SIRSA) will not be eligible for availing of any subsidy from the Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Department. Further, for such farmers, paddy will not be procured by the State Govt. agencies.
- All diversified crops such as Maize/Bajra/Pulses will be procured by the Govt. at MSP.
- The Govt. will install “Maize Dryer” in related grain markets for reducing moisture content of maize grain produced by the farmers.
- 85% subsidy will be provided for installation of Drip Irrigation System in the alternate diversified crops.
- The Department will promote mechanization by providing pneumatic / normal maize seed planter for sowing of maize crop in the targeted blocks for diversification of paddy through its Schemes and CHCs also.
- Various pieces of information regarding implementation of Crop Diversification Programme will be provided through IEC (Information, Education and Communication) activities in the field for the awareness of the farmers. A dedicated Web Portal will also be launched for the convenience of the farmers.
- The “demonstration plots” will be established in each targeted block for showing best agriculture practices to the farmers for getting good yield of their crop.
- Farmers other than the targeted 8 nos. of blocks will also be eligible for availing benefits under this Crop Diversification scheme if they replace their paddy area with alternate crops. Such farmers have to apply and submit details of revenue record regarding cultivation of paddy for the diversified area during last year and condition that they have not grown paddy in any new land holding where paddy was not grown earlier.
Required Paperwork
- Identity Proof (Aadhar Card/ Driving License/ Voter ID Card/ Ration Card/ Pan Card)
- Permanent or temporary address Proof
- Farmer Certificate
Mera Pani Meri Virasat Registration
Farmers Need to do registration for Mera Pani Meri Virasat Portal yojana is online. The registration link is:-
Haryana CM Khattar launched Mera Pani Meri Virasat scheme. Under the scheme, farmers who switch to alternative crop in place of paddy during this season would be given an incentive of Rs 7000 per acre, according to an official statement.
The Chief Minister during the launch of Mera Pani, Meri Virasat scheme (MPMVS) said that at present some part of the state fall in the dark zone, which comprises 36 blocks, where rate of depletion of ground water level has doubled in the last 12 years. That means that where the ground water level was earlier at 20 meters, it has now further depleted to 40 meters, CM Khattar added. As per report there are 19 such blocks, where the water depth has exceeded 40 meters.