Veer Gatha 3.0 Registration 2023 – Login 3rd Edition Drawing Easy

Veer Gatha 3.0 Registration 2023 – Login 3rd Edition Drawing Easy

Central Government of Indian starts the Veer Gatha 3.0 portal. Under this portal government of India celebrate the Azaadi ka Mahotsave on 75 independence days of India. On this occasion government give the attention on the school children and national heroes.

Government acts on the bravery and life on the national heroes. On this occasion for the school’s students painting competition, paragraph writing competition, poems completion are conducted. Winner gets the Medal as the prize.

So for if anyone can participate in these competition they can do registration on the Veer Gatha 3.0 portal. It is the government portal and anyone can register on it.

Today in this article we share you the details of Veer Gatha 3.0 Registration 2023. You know its registration process and login process and many more information about the portal. So read our article carefully.

Veer Gatha 3.0 Registration

For the citizen of India Veer Gatha 3.0 portal is launched by the central government collaboration with the ministry of Education. It is the prize distribution ceremony and under the portal all the schools in all the state in India can participate.

Veer Gatha 1.0 and 2.0 is very successful after that government of Indian launched the Veer Gatha 3.0 portal. All the school of the states is eligible under the portal.

Veer Gatha 3.0 Registration

For that it is very important to do register on the portal and after that get advantages of the portal. In the below of the article we share you step by steps details.

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About Veer Gatha 3.0

Name of the portalVeer Gatha 3.0
Post NameVeer Gatha 3.0 Registration
Launched byMinistry of Education
Run by theCentral government of India
BeneficiaryAll school of the states
Registration modeOnline

Categories and Activities of Veer Gatha 3.0

Categories Activities
Class 3 to 5Paragraph (150 words)/ Poem/drawing/ painting. multimedia presentation and video
Class 6 to 8Paragraph (300 words)/ Poem/drawing/ painting. multimedia presentation and video
Class 9 to 10Paragraph (750 words)/ Poem/drawing/ painting. multimedia presentation and video
Class 11 to 12Paragraph (1000 words)/ Poem/drawing/ painting. multimedia presentation and video

Veer Gatha 3.0 Registration Dates

28th July to 15th September 2023Class 3rd to 12th 
17th September to 17 October 2023District level evaluation by the school appointed by the  states or education department of the state
19th October to 10 November 2023State level entries by the  state.
14 November to 10 December 2023evaluation for the national level
15th December 20203Submission of result of National level evaluation
20 December 2023Forwarding the  result by MOE to Mod

Read More:- Khel Maharan Registration

Level to Participate on Veer Gatha 3.0 Portal

  • District level.
  • State level.
  • National level.

Winner List and Prize of Veer Gatha 3.0

Winner and prize is declared by the level wise:-

  • District level: – 4 winners selected from each category under the super 100 candidate.
  • State level: – 8 winners ate state level.
  •  National level: – from class 3rd to 5th :-25 winners.

Form class 6th and 8th:- 25 winners.

Form class 9th and 10th:- 25 winners.

From 11th and 12th:- 25 winners.

Know More:- KBC Junior Registration

Veer Gatha 3.0 Registration Process

There are some steps for registration on Veer Gatha 3.0:-

  • Firstly visit on the official website of government of India i.e.
  • There is also the direct link of Veer Gatha 3.0 portal.
  • Click on the direct link and homepage is open on the screen.
  •  Now enter the required details about Veer Gatha 3.0.
  • After that click on the participating link.
  • For the participate registration form is open by click on the participate now option.
  • After that select category and level in which you can participate.
  • In the last click on the submit option.

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