Yogathon Registration 2023 Karnataka

Only 2 days left for the Event of Yogathon 2023. Registration is still on and if you want to become a part of this yoga festival, Then you can do this online. The complete formation registration Yogathn registration 2023, important dates, and other details are explained already in this post.

The government of Karnataka is going to organize a very big event “Yogathon 2023”. This event is organized for the empowerment of youth and encourages them through yoga and sports activities. This event will go to organized in for 75 days in 35 districts of Karnataka.

You will get a chance to become part of the 10 lakh participants who will attend the main event. The main event aimed for 1 crore, people to attend physically as well as digitally.

If you are interested in Yogathon 2023, then you will get complete information in this article. The official website is is started for or registration process. Offline registration also takes place at the venue of Yogathon. Yogathon Registration will take place as a participant yoga instructor and as an institute. You can also do your Yogathon registration 2023 online.

योगाथोन 2023 का आयोजन कर्नाटका में किया जा रहा है. इसकी शुरुआत 21 जून से लेकर 28 अगस्त के बीच में होगी। इसके इलावा युवा उत्सव का आयोजन 26 से 28 अगस्त के बीच में 3 दिन किया जाएगा। अगर आप भी योगाथोन 2023 रजिस्ट्रेशन करना चाहते हैं तो इसके लिए आपको इसकी आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जाकर लॉगइन करना होगा। इसकी अधिकारिक वेबसाइट है

भारत में योग को बढ़ावा देने के लिए, इस योग महाकुंभ का आयोजन किया जा रहा है. अगर आप एक योगा टीचर या योगा इंस्ट्रक्टर है तो भी आप इसमें भाग ले सकते हैं तथा लोगों को योगा सिखा सकते हैं. अन्य किसी भी प्रकार की सहायता के लिए आप आधिकारिक हेल्पलाइन नंबर 080-69043800 पर बात कर सकते हैं. रजिस्ट्रेशन की प्रक्रिया जल्द ही बंद हो जाएगी इसलिए अंतिम तिथि से पहले अपना रजिस्ट्रेशन अवश्य करें.

Yogathon Registration

According to the news Udupi district administration is going to organize a 3-day Yogathon event from 12th august. This event becomes an awareness for all the people who always searching for health benefits from yoga.

In the preparatory meeting, 10,000 triple BP doing yoga in the Yogathon event 2023. In the training, it is aimed that the yoga daily life activities will help a person to become physically and mentally calm as well as fit. Anyone who participates in Yogathon Registration 2023 will get the participation certificate.

Yogathon Registration 2022

Yogathon 2023 Registration

Event nameYogathon 2023
Event typeyoga practice
Organized byGovernment of Karnataka
Event organized in31 districts
Registration modeonline / offline
Official web

Concerned authorities will identify the trained person who is good at Yoga. They will also take help from Educational Institutes as well as yoga organizations for voluntary participation of teachers and students of yoga.

Authorities will also reach out to schools and colleges for participation. The organization will search for Yoga instructors from all over the state and collect them at the yoga venue. All the arrangements related to transportation are also organized by event organizers.

Training program For Yogathon 2023

  • This yoga program has been organized under the surveillance of the Government of Karnataka.
  • In this yoga program, the yoga instructors will be trained. Yoga and Tulsi asked for 36 hours over 21 days.
  • This will provide an opportunity to earn 10000 rupees (terms and conditions apply).
  • The program has been organized on the basis of First Come First served. The first 10,000 registrations have been accepted.
  • Registration for yoga instructors has been open till the 5th of August for the first 10000 seats.
  • There is an association of health sponsors, miracle drinks which are their affiliate partners, which come under their miracle drink update program.

Schedule of Yogathon 2023

Soft Lunch21st of June
Offcial Launch date11th July 2022
Flag Off of Yogathin Caravan and Awareness Campain28th August 2022
Break record of World RecordNovember and December 20
National Youth Festival 2023Jan 12 to 16th 2023
World Record day15th January 2023

Benefits of Yogathon

  • Instructors who attend Yogathon 2023, will get the yoga certificate board (YCB).
  • So they also will get eligible for the Yogathon training program.
  • Also, get recognition by GWR as yoga instructors when they successfully attend the Yogathon event.

Yogathon 2023 Registration

The Yogathon registration process will be undergone as a participant, as a yoga instructor, and as an institution.

  • If you are an instructor, then you have to choose the second option.
  • Now registration form will be open on your screen.
  • Firstly enter the trainer’s name, age, gender, phone number, and email id which is optional.
  • Now enter your distinct name, taluka, pin code, and Aadhar card number.
Yogathon 2022 Registration
  • If you have any referral codes then enter them in the next section.
  • In the next section, there is a question have you participated in any yoga events in the last year? Give your answer yes or no.
  • The next question is are you a YCB-certified yoga instructor? Give your answer yes or no.
  • Now click on the submit button. Now your Yogathon 2023 registration process is completed.
Important Links
Official websiteCheck Here
Yoga Instructor RegistrationCheck here
Topic categoryTrending India
Helpline number080-69043800

What is Yogathon 2023?

Yogathon 2023 is the largest Yoga training program going to be held in Karnataka state.

How to participate in the Yogathon event?

To participate in this event you have to register yourself on the official website.

What is the official website for Yogathon 2023 registration?

The Yogathon Registration is going to be held on

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